Church Street
Retford Nottinghamshire
DN22 9HQ

01427 880342

Sturton C of E Primary School

  1. News
  2. Final update

Final update

27 May 2021 (by head)

Final update

Good morning,


As we come to the end of this half term I want to thank everyone for continuing to work together to keep everyone safe. As restrictions ease we still need to be vigilant, but changes back to normality are very welcome and we have seen in school the boost that two classes together at playtime has given. As we move into next half term, we await the announcement on 21st June as this will have an impact on our plans for end of term events, I will keep you up to date with arrangements.


On Saturday 12th June, the intrepid explorers are setting out on the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge to raise money for school. So far they have over £1600 pledged, which is amazing, their target is £2000. If you would like to support Graham, Claire, Lee, Sarah and Hannah, please go to:


I hope that the children in Years 2 to 6 are excited about the overnight camp and activity day on 8th-9th July? Please make sure that the reply slip is returned to school by Friday 11th June. As I said on the letter, please contact me if you have any questions/concerns. I hope as many children as possible will take part in this experience.


Tomorrow is DRESS DOWN FRIDAY (NON-UNIFORM). There is no fund-raising, it is just an end of term treat.


The children in Class 1 will be having their Royal Banquet after Merits and can bring a change of clothes ready to become part of the nobility or even royalty!


Merits takes place at 1.10pm and I look forward to seeing some of you join us if you are free. The invite is below:


Topic: Merits

Time: May 28, 2021 01:10 PM Greenwich Mean Time


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 831 6142 7254

Passcode: 9jx7D8


The children in F2, and Classes 2 & 3 have their final swim session tomorrow.


Just another reminder that on Monday 12th July, there will be no Afterschool provision due to whole staff training.


Please make booking for the week back (wc 7th June) to by tomorrow (Friday) at 3.30pm, then places can be allocated and staffing arrangements made.


I know many people are getting away on a much-deserved break next week, I hope you have a safe, peaceful and enjoyable time, and we look forward to seeing you all return on the 8th June. School is closed for INSET on Monday 7th June.


