wc 9th March6 March 2020 (by head) |
This week
Good morning,
Good luck to our Sturton Splashers at the Rotary Swimathon tomorrow, they are in the pool at 4.45pm. https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/sturtonsplashers2020
Menu Cycle is Week 3.
Clubs for the week:
Tuesday Book Squad
Student Voice
Wednesday Football Y1, 2 & 3
Guitar lessons as normal.
Class 3 trip to Gainsborough Old Hall.
Sport Relief Day – non uniform/sports outfits (please do not buy anything new for this). To raise money we are asking for coins to cover our Olympic Rings on the playground. All money will be donated to Sport Relief.
Merits will be at 9.00am.
Swimming is classes 1 & 2.
Please make booking for EarlyBirds and Afterschool to office@sturton.notts.sch.uk
Please return Class 2 trip letters by Wednesday.
Thank you, have a great weekend.